I am not a professional writer, nor journalist, nor diarist. I can barely type with one finger and I think it would be fair to describe me as a cyber-troglodite. I am more comfortable with a spoke shave than a keyboard. I am nevertheless compelled by an aversion to waste, to do something with this blog. You, however, are not required to read what I post. Continue at your own risk.
Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary defines the word gripe as an alternate form of the words grip or grasp; as an intermittent pain in the bowels, and as an informal American verb meaning: to complain naggingly, constantly, to grumble. There you have it. I may now get a grip on my belly-aching and complain in peace.
In the process of beginning this venture, I think it wise to establish some guidelines for acceptable communication on this blog. I will call these guidelines "customs" rather than rules because, to paraphrase from Austen Tappan Wright, rules must be obeyed by everyone all the time whether there is a good reason for doing so or not. Customs are more flexible. Here then are the fundamental customs of this blog:
- Gripes should be impersonal, addressing general behaviors or conditions rather than specific persons or events.
- If possible there should be some suggestion for a solution to a problem, not just a complaint. This is to satisfy certain persons who insist on a positive spin to everything.
- In general, lewd or obscene language should be avoided as these tend to inhibit effective communication.
- Statements of a factual nature should be verified through online services such as Snopes or Factcheck.org prior to posting in order to avoid embarrassment.
- Errors in spelling, gramarye, and typography are to be tolerated, but not necessarily encouraged.
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Professor Puddleglum |
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